
" 'The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, flutering back to earth.' " -The Awakening


Despite the Headache, I Feel Free

i finally was allowed to wash my own hair!
(and the crowd goes wild!)

it was a learning experience,
but i honestly don't mind doing it.

since it hadn't been washed in so long,
there was hair EVERYWHERE!
i think i did the bantu knots...decently
for a first-timer
not good enough to go out publicly in, though!

so i'm looking up styles for it
as well as natural conditioners.
i learned what "co-washing" means
and i'm excited to see where this process goes.
wish me luck!

i'm jus ready to brew some iced tea
and take some vitamins.

The Artificial Mirror by Sandy Skoglund

Sandy Skoglund uses photography and installation
to make these creative images.

they're in her exhibition called

The Artificial Mirror

read more and see more here.

i'm turing 20 next year and i feel like i haven't lived as a teenager

that's gonna have to change.

Because it's Not My Hair

i thought deeply on and off
for several days
about why i seem to care less about myself.

i think it's because i haven't found myself, yet.
a conscious struggle, i suppose.

it doesn't help when your hair is done up
in a way you absolutely HATE.

i feel like my hair does not belong to me.
it belongs to my mother.
so why give it tender loving care,
when i can't do what i please with it?
that doesn't make any sense, now does it?

i guess from there,
the hatred for my hair flows like poison
through my veins
and then i just don't feel like myself. period.
it'd bad enough that i don't know who i am to begin with.
but add the fact that i KNOW i HATE 
the way my hair is slicked back
with layers of gel.
i feel like someone else can take care of this body.
because it's certainly not mine.

Damnit, Tumblr

i'm trying to find more people to follow!
but you have to set up an error message, don't you?

Piercing + Tattoos

i've been itching for a new tattoo
or piercing, haha!
i was trying to find new people to follow on tumblr,
but it had that dumb error message.
sooo i shall do this post, then!
i guess i'll post photos and captions:

venoms look SOO cool

or tiny ones like these

one more, haha!

or simply the standard tongue

then i can get my tongue web pierced! i think they go SO well together!

another good look at the tongue web piercing

or the septum looks pretty fly

not sure on me, though

and i've always wanted my medusa pierced

it's so dainty. but again, on me??

i lovelovelove the placement of the text on her tattoo, so keeping that in mind

and i love the way this one flows on her foot A LOT

inner arm tattoos like this one is cool
(these are her mother's glasses who died in march)

tattoos down the spine can be neat, depending what it is
like this,
or skeletal

and down the shoulder, that just flows

and since the viola is shaped like a woman's body,
i'd love these on my back.

i love the angle of the birds on her arm
and i'd have a quote to go with them

this doesn't catch my eye like most
but it's on the list i suppose

the feather going vertically on her ribs is pretty

tiny birds are cute too
i like some tattoos dainty

i LOVE how the text is wrapped around her
and in typewriter font
i might really consider that
as well as the f holes 
cute and simple

skeleton tattoos look neat,
but don't have any special connection to me

this girl explained how she likes organic tattoos
and i must say i could DEFINITELY see myself getting this
i really REALLY love it, despite its simplicity

another skeleton tattoo
it LOOKS really neat

and the way this one trails,
i've always liked that

and i fotgot the inner finger tattoos,
but i dig those, too.

there's A LOT to think over.
especially for tattoos
since they're permanent and all.
i want them placed just right
so that i don't regret any placements
and find i'd like a tattoo somewhere
where one is already placed, ya see?
what do you guys think?



i shall post about piercing desirables.

My Love for Blake Lively

i adore Blake Lively.
i was reading an article on
about the best dressed of the year.
and how Blake wears her clothes as if a second skin.
i can agree to an extent.
it reminded me of the true meaning of an "it" girl.
and that would come along with the territory, i assume.
being able to look amazing
just full of charisma.
oooh, i'm glowing just thinking about
all the people i admire.
and see as "it" girl-worthy.

Irina Davis and Her Russian Pin Ups

Irina Davis said she was saddened that
Russian women weren't able to enjoy post WWII
pin up culture like Americans were.
so how do you fix that?
do a pin up photo shoot with Russian models, of course!

more about her here.

just a photo i found.
i absolutely adore her gauges.
they're the perfect size for her.
ugh....gorgeous photo all around.

She Stole My Tattoo!

courtesy of fuckyeahtattoos
on tumblr,
this girl got the f holes i wanted!
she didn't really steal them from me.
just got them before i could.
it was just a brainstorm.
but now i get to see how cool they look beforehand!
i like them.
i'd get mine because i've played the viola for over six years.

My Sketches: I Do the Hair Last

self portrait (the other side will be how i'd LIKE to look)


didgeridoo (will draw more pushed into red dirt where the feet are)

her hair will come
mouthful of sea urchin

still need to figure out what color hair would suit her, and what color her doe eyes should be
these are the other projects i've been working on.
thank goodness i've put them on hold!
the afro picture is good practice for the blending
i'll be most comfortable with.
i'm quite satisfied!

Try, Try Again

learning from blending mistakes
trial number two: the sketch

so i took my blending practices
out for a spin.
and didn't like how photo number one was turning out
she looks like a calico cat.

i realized that when i heard 
you should start with the lightest shade
it didn't mean to use the lightest possible flesh tone
and deepen it to its darkest 
(in my case, i wanted her to be cocoa brown)
i learned about two different shades ought to do it.
and a darker color for shadows.

and instead of using white as a bade color,
i think i'll try the first skin color,
white, then the first skin color again
then continue.
also, work on features like the nose,
before the layers of waxy blendable colors get too deep
and you're not able to make the nose pop anymore.
i'm gonna try to outline lightly with the shadow color,
see where that takes me.


Another Quote: Thankyou Tumblr

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."
 - Coco Chanel

While on Tumblr

"Earth without 'art' is just 'Eh...'"

my work here is done for the day.
and i enjoy every moment on this blog,
splattering my findings.

now, off to draw!

Bert Simons Paper Busts

a man names Bert Simons uses computer engineering techniques
to create this amazingly realistic paper busts of people!
definitely not your typical origami.

see more of his art, and learn about him