
" 'The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, flutering back to earth.' " -The Awakening


Try, Try Again

learning from blending mistakes
trial number two: the sketch

so i took my blending practices
out for a spin.
and didn't like how photo number one was turning out
she looks like a calico cat.

i realized that when i heard 
you should start with the lightest shade
it didn't mean to use the lightest possible flesh tone
and deepen it to its darkest 
(in my case, i wanted her to be cocoa brown)
i learned about two different shades ought to do it.
and a darker color for shadows.

and instead of using white as a bade color,
i think i'll try the first skin color,
white, then the first skin color again
then continue.
also, work on features like the nose,
before the layers of waxy blendable colors get too deep
and you're not able to make the nose pop anymore.
i'm gonna try to outline lightly with the shadow color,
see where that takes me.

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