
" 'The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, flutering back to earth.' " -The Awakening


Natural Remedies for a Sad Heart

over the past 5 months,
i've learned so much about natural remedies!
i'd like to share about the few things i've learned:

witch hazel:
cleanses the skin/astringent
it really does help remove dirt after you wash your face!
keeps your face clean and it's gentle

sea salt soaks:
i do it for my lobes,
it soothes them
and pulls any impurities from my (broken) skin
it really has worked wonders!
also VERRY tasty,
i invest in the sea salt and peppercorn grinders
due to my HUGE obsession with its taste difference

Holey Buttr:
used for ear stretches essentially,
makes lobes very supple after a good massage
helps elasticity (for me)
plumped my lobes up!
jojoba oil:
when massaged into lobes, can get rid of scabs/scarring
used it for skin and it helps get rid of scab w/continued use
organic plugs of sorts:
they're just fun for people with stretched lobes.
each pair essentially is unique,
so beautiful!

i LOVE drizzling honey on top of plain yogurt and granola!
it's a great substitution for sugar.
also a yummy treat is taking a spoonful of honey,
and stirring it in a warm cup of milk
(thanks Ponyo!)
at the state fair, there's honey ice cream- delicious!
i really want to invest in organic honey
(more nutrients)
cause sometimes honey can taste..processed.
had it in kindergarden, too:
honey and peanut butter sandwiches!

i'm pretty sure there's MANY more
natural medicines out there.
it's just that i haven't tried them yet!
i'm loving the results of the medicines 
God put on this earth for us

and remember, patience is KEY!
(with both ear stretching and natural products)

see ya later alligators!

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